Inspecting the Bones: The Rapist

Inside the coffin lay a small girl's naked and headless carcass. Her body was covered with knife wounds and whip lacerations and had turned white from soaking in water. It emitted a rotten odor.

The human head placed beside the corpse was even more hideous to look at. The facial features had been chopped off, and the spiritual root behind the brain extracted, leaving only messy hair behind. It was impossible to determine the girl's former appearance.

"Lord Wan, where was this small girl's corpse found, and what was the situation?" Ye Jiuge asked solemnly.

"A San Dao Wan villager found the body next to the river. We were able to identify your Ye Residence by the words' Ye Ruyi' engraved on the longevity lock in the corpse's possession." After speaking, Wan Ziyang took out a wooden tray. Inside, there were five exquisite accessories, all of which belonged to a girl.