The Hill Behind: The Handsome Man, Dongling Prince

Although Ye Jiuge was upset, she would not vent her anger at a novice Buddhist monk. As such, she nodded to symbolize her agreement.

"Elder Brother, since we can't see the Yaoguang Flowers, let's head back!" Ye Ruyi said sensibly.

"Silly, why should we do what he says?" Ye Jiuge raised her eyebrows and replied.

"Then, how do we see the flowers?" Puzzled, Ye Ruyi blinked.

"Like this." Ye Jiuge took Ye Ruyi in her arms and stealthily avoided the monk, heading for the hill behind them. From a distance, she could see several guards patrolling the foot of the hill. Still, they were unable to survey everything at once, so Ye Jiuge successfully snuck by with Ye Ruyi.

"Elder Sister, is this allowed?" Ye Ruyi was excited and worried at the same time.

"What are you afraid of? We are just here to enjoy the flowers, not for murder and arson," Ye Jiuge replied absentmindedly; she would not be afraid—even if they were here for murder and arson.