Troublesome: Please Move Aside Your Golden Cudgel

Even though Dongfang Que was a solid choice, Ye Jiuge still felt slightly uneasy about him. For a long time now, a rumor had been circulating in the capital: because Dongfang Que had injured his leg, he had already lost the will to fight for the throne. As Ye Jiuge thought about it, she concluded that he was hiding his light under a bushel, biding his time, and disguising himself as weak to vanquish his stronger foes. It would be difficult to manipulate a crafty, ruthless character like him, who excelled in self-restraint, into wrapping himself around her little finger. She did not want a large tiger pouncing on her from behind right after she'd driven the wolves away.

Forget it. I will enter the palace first and assess the situation before deciding. 

Ye Jiuge set fire to Bai Songling's slip of paper and reduced it to ashes. After that, she shut herself in the Pill Production Room and continued her work.