Magical: The Pill Made from the Black Fat Rat’s Saliva

"His Highness asked me not to send him away. Furthermore, I am worried about you." Ye Jiuge had known Dongfang Que for quite some time already; she knew that he was not pretentious. If he had asked her not to send him away, he meant it. 

"His Highness, the Dongling Prince, is merely being polite. How can you take his words seriously? I am doing just great, and I don't need you to worry about me." Qing Mama was so furious that she almost vomited blood again. 

Qing Mama thought, Why is the Eldest Miss such a blockhead? She has finally restored her looks, and this is the perfect opportunity to get to know all the handsome and capable young men. How can she push one away? If she continues acting like this, how can she find a good husband?