Partner: Wan Ziyang’s Invitation

When Ye Jiuge arrived at the Justice Department, she asked to see Wan Ziyang. The guard at the gate went inside to report. Ye Jiuge did not expect Wan Ziyang and Bai Songling to come out and welcome her personally.

"Eldest Miss Ye, why didn't you tell us in advance that you would be coming?" Bai Songling asked.

"I heard that the Justice Department asked my Father to come and identify the corpse, so I am here to take a look. Where's my Father?" Ye Jiuge asked.

When he heard this, Bai Songling made a strange face and said, "Did you not hear that something has happened to the Su Clan?"

Did something happen? Ye Jiuge thought: the Su Clan's Old Master can't be dead, can he?

"I heard that Su Clan's Old Master drank too much last night. Then, suddenly, he was unable to wake up. The Su Clan consulted countless Spiritual Doctors, but to no avail. Your Father has already rushed over there," Bai Songling said, rejoicing in the Su Clan's misfortune.