Palace Gates: Under the Effect of Mental Manipulation

"Are you threatening us, the Bloodthirsty Sect?" Su Junqing's expression darkened, and his figure became more imposing.

"You violated our agreement first," replied the Empress without betraying any impression of weakness. "Your Bloodthirsty Sect initially promised me this vast swathe of territory. Now, it's going to land in Dongfang Que's hands, and you still have the nerve to say this to me? Let me tell you this. If you cannot satisfy my needs, I will announce what you did to the whole world, and we'll see how your Su Clan survives in the Lei Kingdom in the future." Her face was sinister, and madness filled her eyes.

"Your Majesty, please calm down." Su Junqing gave a Fist and Palm Salute and hid the murderous intent that flitted past his eyes.

"Go back and consider this carefully: which is more important to you, the Bloodthirsty Sect or the Su Clan?"