A Deadly Meeting

"Did I not ask you to stay away from Su Junqing?" Ye Jiuge furrowed her brow. This fellow, Ye Yu, was too willful. What if that psychopath, Su Junqing, had discovered him?

"I did not go anywhere near him. The rats that keep watch near the Su Residence told me," Ye Yu explained quickly.

When he'd helped Ye Jiuge spread some rumors before, he'd become acquainted with the unseen amoral side of the Capital. Now, he used their influence to complete the task. He'd never thought that those informants would respectfully regard him as their leader and help him spy on the Su Residence, gathering information on their own accord.

The informants had passed him this news.

"I see!" Ye Jiuge's expression relaxed. Slightly puzzled, she asked, "Can you describe the lady who went to see Su Junqing?"

Su Junqing had always been indifferent toward women, and never interacted with them intimately. She'd never heard of a woman visiting him at his residence.