A Lethal Honeytrap

Ye Yu felt slightly puzzled. He was about to ask Ye Jiuge to fill him in on the current situation when he heard steady footsteps coming from the silent street.

He lifted his head to take a look. He was astonished to see a squad of officers being led by Wan Ziyang and Bai Songling.

As soon as they reached the Su Residence's doorstep, they pounded on the door without any hint of civility and shouted, "Open the door! Open the door!"

"Officer, is there anything that I can help you with at such a late hour?" the Su Residence's watchman asked apprehensively.

"Move out of our way." Wan Ziyang shoved the servant aside rudely before rushing into the residence with his men.

Su Junqing and his guards stood in Wan Ziyang's way. He spoke to them in an unfriendly tone, "Sir, you are imperious. What are you trying to accomplish by barging into our Su Residence in the middle of the night?"