The Legendary Venomous Insect Accepts Its Owner

Ye Jiuge had expected this to happen. She took a bottle of Spiritual Beast Pills and headed with Ye Yu to the place where the Little Mute was staying.

Meanwhile, at that moment, Bai Songling was trying to communicate with the Little Mute: "Little fellow, how could you go back on your word? You clearly said that you would exchange the insect for five bottles of Spiritual Beast Pills. Even if you wish to raise the price, you have to tell me how many you want!"

The Little Mute did not even look at him. He took the basket with the Blackfly Grass and began to feed the Poison Earthworms. The batch of Poison Earthworms had already evolved once. Their initial plump, white bodies had an additional hint of a jade-like glow, and their lifespan had increased from fifteen days to two months.