A Slap in the Face (2)

Ye Jiuge looked up and saw the familiar Crown Prince, Dongfang Jianming, arrive with a team of guards.

"Crown Prince, you've arrived just in time." Ye Shanshan's spirits rose. She complained promptly, "Eldest Sister is bullying the Gong Clan's Third Miss, and she has even destroyed someone else's shop."

"Ye Jiuge, do you think that this is your Ye Residence? How dare you commit such a violent act here."

The Crown Prince glared darkly at Ye Jiuge, who had restored her looks. Her beautiful face caused him to hate her even more.

"Neither is this Your Highness's East Palace." Ye Jiuge remained calm and composed.

"You are trying to twist words and force logic. Come, arrest this woman who is creating a disturbance." The Crown Prince immediately gave an order to the guards he'd brought along.

Hua Die and Yu Die immediately stood nervously in front of Ye Jiuge.