An Abnormal Presence

Zi Shang appeared instantly. His slit pupils were trained on the brick, and his tail continuously shook side to side. Even hugging Ye Jiuge flew far from his mind.

"What's this treasure?" This was the first time Ye Jiuge had seen Zi Shang so agitated.

"This is a Transformation Pearl. It was lost after the Great Demonic Tribe War. Who could have thought that it would end up here?" Zi Shang felt that his luck was off the charts. Now, he could fully transform into a humanoid form.

"If the Transformation Pearl is so precious, how did it become a brick for supporting shelves?" Ye Jiuge was in disbelief.

"Who knows?" Zi Shang did not care. He swiped his palm across the brick and extracted an azure pearl that emitted a faint fragrance.

Lured by the fragrance, Ye Jiuge unconsciously swallowed. She could tell that the Pearl was something useful, something greatly beneficial to her.