The Unexpected Stalker (1)

"Who's following us? What is his spiritual level?" Ye Jiuge asked in a hushed tone.

"He's around the level of a high-level Spiritual Practitioner. The person is very cautious," Ye Yu replied.

If he weren't a naturally sensitive tracker, he wouldn't have noticed their stalker.

"Find an opportunity to capture him," Ye Jiuge said, scanning their surroundings.

They were now on the Medicinal Halls' busiest street.

Although the local businesses had been severely affected because of the Sorcerers, the crowd was still denser than on the other streets.

This was especially true of the free market area in front of the Medicinal Halls. There, spiritual herbs gathered by the locals in the mountains could be found, and there were also many rare herbs.

Many low-leveled Alchemists would bring their attendants here to pick out herbs. With so many people moving around, it was a very lively area.