Who is the Disguised Sorcerer? (1)

"Who are these Spiritual Practitioners whom Ouyang Sen hired? Do you have someone in mind?" Ye Jiuge asked.

If they could ascertain the Sorcerer's identity, it would be easier to strike.

"Ouyang Sen hired three Spiritual Practitioners. The first is Hu Lin, a Mid-level Water Elemental Spiritual Practitioner. He's very talkative and easily swayed when a decision must be made.

"The second is Jiang Shengjie, a Mid-level Wood Elemental Spiritual Practitioner. He looks honest and doesn't talk much.

"The last is Xia Chenfeng, a High-level Earth Elemental Spiritual Practitioner. Ever since we set off, he has been constantly asking to change routes. I think he might have realized that something is amiss.

Among the three, Xia Chenfeng is the most suspicious, but we have no proof at this point."

While following Ouyang Sen, he had been secretly observing the Spiritual Practitioners.