Sudden Clap of Thunder: Come and Fight the Monster

"It was Su Junqing, right? That d*mned piece of sh*t dared to deceive me." Xiong Yunhu's expression warped.

 Xiong Yunhu thought: Dongfang Yao is already unconscious, and Liu Yunfei is dead. If Su Junqing gets rid of me, he will be able to monopolize the credit for completing the mission. If I had known earlier, I would have murdered that stupid piece of sh*t.

 Ye Jiuge raised her eyebrows. She had not expected Xiong Yunhu to think of Su Junqing. However, she was happy for them to fight each other.

 She laughed sarcastically and continued to put on an act, "Since you know the truth now, don't even dream of going back alive."

 "Do you think that such weak attacks can kill me?" Xiong Yunhu roared viciously.