The Amazing Cherry Pill

Seeing that Ye Jiuge was about to flip out, Zi Shang wisely switched subjects. "If you are intent on helping him, why don't you try producing the Spiritual Beast Pills with the White Bone Flame?"

"Are you out of your mind? The White Bone Flame is a spectral flame that can only produce yin pills. I do not want the Legendary Venomous Insects to end up as spectral parasites." Ye Jiuge thought that Zi Shang was trying to be funny.

"The Legendary Venomous Insects are not spiritual beasts. Who knows? They might find the yin pills to be even better. Your Green Bronze Cauldron is special, and it can accept all heavenly and earthly energy. Perhaps you might be able to produce some unknown special pill. Why don't you give it a try?" Zi Shang did not look like he was joking.

Ye Jiuge thought about it for a moment. What Zi Shang had said made sense.

Parasite witchcraft was an unearthly witchcraft to begin with. Perhaps, the yin pill might be more suitable.