Enhancing Strength on All Fronts

Black Dictator had just left when Ye Yu burst in, demanding hurriedly, "Have you seen Black Dictator?"

"It claimed your remuneration and flew off." Ye Jiuge pointed in the direction where Black Dictator had vanished.

"That idiot parasite is one step ahead of me again." Ye Yu was so angry that his face turned black.

Black Dictator showed no self-restraint. Whenever it tasted something good, it wanted to eat as much as possible without thinking of the consequences.

It could polish off a bottle of Spiritual Beast Pills in just 15 minutes. It was a classic example of living from day to day.

When it ran out of food, it showed envy and jealousy toward Xiao Hong and the rest.

Then, it would start pestering him to buy more Spiritual Beast Pills. It was very annoying!

"Cough, cough…Do you want to bring it back now?" Ye Jiuge asked offhandedly.

"It's useless. Let's talk about more important things first!" Ye Yu sighed.