The Yin Corpse Sect’s Elder

"Naturally, I have a way to deal with these things, so you do not need to worry. Instruct the men to take care of the protective formation. If anything goes wrong, don't blame me for sacrificing all of you for my cultivation." The Bloodthirsty Patriarch's eyes widened. They flashed like lightning, as though he could read minds.

Shuddering, Shou Hou hurriedly replied, "Patriarch, please rest assured. I will ensure that the protective formation is taken care of."

"Do your job well, and I won't mistreat you." The Bloodthirsty Patriarch nodded. After a moment, he asked, "What has Su Junqing been up to recently?"

"Su Junqing has been very active in the sect lately, and he has made new friends everywhere. He has a large amount of blood essence on him, and he has managed to secure connections with higher status people."

"He is really generous, isn't he?" The Bloodthirsty Patriarch's withered face revealed a strange smile.