Curing Little Greenie

"You can gain a lot from taking risks. How else could there be free lunches in this world? If the Bloodthirsty Sect were that easy to deal with, Great Master Dongfang would not have offered the Master Solidifying Pill in exchange for their elimination. He would have just asked Emperor Xuanwu to send soldiers to eradicate the sect." Ye Jiuge tried to reason with Gong Xifan, but Gong Xifan was not swayed.

Ye Jiuge added, "The Yin Corpse Sect sent Si Youyue to collect the Blood Lotus Flower, which will bloom in five days. If you wish to obtain it, you should make your decision before then."

Her words hit home.

As Gong Xifan thought about the Blood Lotus Flower, he was reminded of his poor nephew, Gong Baiyu, who was still suffering. He nodded without hesitating. "Alright, we will go along with your plan."