The Death of Shou Hou

A palm bathed in blood-colored light struck Gong Xifan.

He felt as though he'd been hit a metal bull. The impact sent his body flying through the air, and he landed heavily on the ground with blood trickling down the side of his lip.

"Bloodthirsty Patriarch?!" Gong Xifan pressed a hand to his excruciatingly painful chest and looked on in shock as an emaciated figure walked out from the reddish fog. Given how cautious he'd been, he'd never expected to fall into a trap.

The Bloodthirsty Patriarch laughed before performing a series of movements with one hand. The blood fog that surrounded the area instantly solidified into a bloody palm and charged at Gong Xifan.

Gong Xifan held up his Hundred Eyes Spiritual Mirror. A ray of golden light burst out from inside it and destroyed the Bloodthirsty Patriarch's bloody palm.