A Decisive Battle with The Bloodthirsty Patriarch (3)

The Bloodthirsty Patriarch was delighted that his plan had worked. He shook his Blood Bell more fervently to spur the Spectral Zombie on to killing Ye Jiuge.

Since this was such a crucial moment, Jun Yichen fought as if his life depended on it.

He used the nail of his index finger to lacerate his wrist and dripped a large amount of his blood onto the Life's Origin Parasite and Human-headed Flying Venomous Parasite.

The Life's Origin Parasite went berserk. It hissed and melded with the remaining Human-headed Flying Venomous Insects, taking the shape of a sharp pike before lunging violently at the Bloodthirsty Patriarch. It was out for blood.

The Bloodthirsty Patriarch's eyes widened. He willed the Spectral Zombie to stand in front of him so that he could defend against the sharp pike.

The Spectral Zombie howled angrily.