You Will Become the New Parasite King

Ye Jiuge opened the bag. It contained 1,000 pieces of Spiritual Jade. Basically, it was Su Xun'er's share of the Bloodthirsty Sect's loot.

It enough to purchase a high-level Spiritual Beast, but Su Xun'er was trying to show her determination.

Ye Jiuge only accepted half of the Spiritual Jade. She returned the other half, gave Su Xun'er ten bottles of Cherry Pills, and sent her on her way.

By the time Ye Jiuge finished seeing off the people from the Spiritual Practitioner Alliance, Jun Yichen had come to say goodbye.

"I heard that there were some Miao people who specialize in rearing parasites in the Shiwan Grand Mountain at the Miao border. I am thinking of going to check things out," Jun Yichen said.

That place was the ancestral home of the Blood-clad Miao people. If he went there, he might be able to enhance his witchcraft.