The Danyang Sect Arrives (2)

Xu Zhiwei's expression changed when he heard what Yue Lingjun said.

The Gong Clan's mansion did not belong to their Danyang Sect, so it was very stupid of Yue Lingjun to act like her usual Eldest Miss self.

He hurried into the building. Shattered shards were strewn all around the floor. Yue Lingjun was on the bed, looking like a crazed shrew and shrieking at the top of her lungs. The servants waited, kneeling on the ground and trembling uncontrollably.

"What are you doing, Junior?" Xu Zhiwei admonished sternly.

Yue Lingjun heard Xu Zhiwei's voice, and her head snapped up immediately.

Seeing Xu Zhiwei, she broke down in tears. "Senior, sob, you've finally arrived."

Seeing her crying so dismally, Xu Zhiwei did not have the heart to scold her. He stepped toward Yue Lingjun. "Master received Great Master Gong's letter and sent me here to bring you back immediately. How are your injuries?"