Perverted Human and Corpse Lovers

In the Heifeng Village, even though it was daytime, the Vampire Corpse Controlling Masters were all hiding at home. They gave the excuse of resting.

Right smack in the center of the village, sat a grand tiled residence. It was the home of the Village Head, Yin Shili.

"Don't stand on ceremony, Brother Yun Jiu. Just relax and feel at home," Yun Shili invited Yun Jiuge in warmly.

Yun Jiuge stepped into the residence and caught a whiff of faint Corpse Qi.

"I'm home, Aimee," Yin Shili shouted at the building.

The red wooden door opened, and a young woman stepped out of the building wearing a long, pleated red skirt.

She looked to be in her early twenties, and she had a melon face with a dainty brow. Her features were beautiful. But her expression was still, and her movements were stiff.

"This was my wife, A'mei," Yin Shili introduced the woman.