Zi Shang's Yang Essence Is the Best

"Give these batches of Yin Gathering Pills to the Liu Sisters and use this to produce your Yin Gathering Pills instead." She'd never expected a Yin Qi Bottle to appear when Zi Shang turned his palm face up.

Yun Jiuge took the Yin Qi Bottle from him and looked at it. It was filled with exceptionally pure black Yin Qi Liquid.

"When did you make this?" Yun Jiuge looked at Zi Shang, pleasantly surprised.

Since the purity of this Yin Qi Liquid was so high, it indicated that the Yin Moths that Zi Shang had caught were of a much higher rank.

This guy rarely helped her with such things because he claimed that he wanted to toughen her up. She'd never expected him to be so generous today.

"While you were producing your pills, I went on a walk." Zi Shang could not possibly stand his woman eating something that had been lured by that disgusting substance.