Zi Shang, You're the Best

Yun Jiuge did not know that, by reaching the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, she had spurred the Liu Sisters on to achieving a higher level in their own cultivation.

She was currently studying the two Spiritual Gopher's bones in detail, thinking of how to smith them into weapons.

"You are incapable of turning those Spiritual Bones into weapons," Zi Shang said.

It was not that he wanted to belittle Yun Jiuge's Weaponsmithing skills, but this girl was a total novice when it came to inscribing Runes on weapons!

"Even if I fail to produce weapons from these Spiritual Bones, that's none of your business." Yun Jiuge was still mad at Zi Shang, and she was determined to ignore this pervert.

"Fine, fine, fine. I'll let you do it by yourself, then!" Zi Shang was not angered by Yun Jiuge's haughty attitude. He decided instead to watch her struggle and waste her time.