Sneaking into Su Junqing's Cave Dwelling at Night (2)

"As soon as we see Ye Yunzhi, you should take the treasure map from her," Zi Shang reminded Yun Jiuge.

"Alright," Yun Jiuge replied. She would never forget about the treasure map.

The night was still. High up in the skies, the full moon bathed the entire land in its soft glow.

Zi Shang and Yun Jiuge withdrew their respective auras and infiltrated the Mo Hua Peak by following the small footpath that led to the Hehuan Sect's stronghold.

Mo Hua Peak was surrounded by an invisible force field that could detect any intrusion. If someone who did not possess the Inner Disciple's Identity Amulet attempted to trespass, an alarm was triggered, and everyone in Mo Hua Peak was notified immediately.

However, since Zi Shang was there with Yun Jiuge, she did not need to worry about this. The two of them slipped smoothly into Mo Hua Peak.

Su Junqing's cave-dwelling was located halfway up. The place was abundant with Spiritual Energy.