Fearsome Grasslands (3)

Little Fatty had no choice but to repeat himself. "Senior Brother Yun Jiu has found a way to deal with these Blood Earthworms! You can slow them down using the Icy Yin Qi Strike! We can make our way out of these grasslands if we all use it on the worms at the same time!"

The other disciples, however, were still a little skeptical. "Really?" they asked.

"Can't you guys f*cking try it for yourselves?" Little Fatty snapped at them crudely.

The disciples immediately tried the Icy Yin Qi Strike on the Blood Earthworms, and they became excited once they realized that it worked.

"It actually works!"

"But the effect only lasts a short time. How is that going to help us?"

"That's why I said that we all have to work together!" Little Fatty shouted.

"What do you mean? Tell us more!" the lower-ranked disciples demanded.