The Deity Invites you to eat the 'Peach'

"If others were to request for the Jasper Spiritual Peach, I wouldn't even consider giving it to them. But for you, that's another story. Be it my heart, liver and soul — I would willingly offer all to you," Zi Shang said as he chuckled.

Yun Jiuge could not help but roll her eyes. This was how Zi Shang always spoke and one could never guess whether he was telling the truth or not.

At times she felt that Zi Shang liked her, but on other occasions, she felt that Zi Shang was only with her for her flesh and his desires. Thus her feelings for Zi Shang were extremely complicated, and sometimes, she did not want to bother about him at all.

The pair quickly returned to their abode and after Zi Shang quickly deployed the Spell Barrier, he took out the Jasper Spiritual Peach to let Yun Jiuge eat it.

"This is all for me?" Yun Jiuge asked hesitantly.

"Of course." Zi Shang desperately tried to attain this peach solely for her.