There Is Something Wrong With This Pill

"Senior Yun Jiu. My uncle has always had a foul temper. Please don't hold a grudge against him," Little Fatty said apologetically.

"I know that." Yun Jiuge nodded her head before asking Little Fatty, "Why did you come looking for me today?"

"Senior Yun Jiu, did you head over to the Yin Qi Graveyard to teach the scoundrels from Number Three Peak a lesson earlier?" Little Fatty asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I did. I used a little bit of the Paralysis Powder on them." Yun Jiuge nodded her head.

"I knew Senior Yun Jiu was the one who did it!" Little Fatty became so emotional that his face turned red.

"I hope you guys didn't let them off the hook easily afterwards!" Yun Jiuge opened the doors to her room and beckoned Little Fatty to come inside.

"Of course not! We beat those sons of a b*tch into a pulp and discarded their bodies at Number Three Peak."