The Flashy Show Has Begun

Yun Jiuge traveled swiftly through and across the mountains. After five days, she finally reached the Zhong Province Realm.

She still maintained her appearance as a young man, with the Sword Pill from Baili Moyun hung around her waist and on her back, a Spiritual Sword. She looked exactly like a young swordsman who came out to experience the world.

There was not much happening in the Zhong Province, except for lots of robberies.

Such a new kid in town like Yun Jiuge was a fattened sheep sent directly to their doorstep.

Unfortunately, this little fat sheep had a fierce shepherd, and anyone who attempted to rob them were all killed by Zi Shang.

"Tsk, just another poor idiot." Yun Jiuge had already killed 38 robbers and shook her head in disappointment after checking their Magic Bottomless Bag.

"Still not contented even after gaining at no cost." Zi Shang flicked his fingers on Yun Jiuge's forehead.