A Strange Village

Yun Jiuge held Zi Shang's hand and steered him towards the ground. After that, she walked towards the middle-aged woman who was wiping her tears. She asked, "Madam, where are we right now? You seem perfectly fine, so why are you crying?"

"This place is called Stone Village. We can't do any farming because the soil is terribly dry today. My husband fell sick again, so I could only sell my daughter to Official Liu for ten silver taels. Because of this, she became his new wife. I have failed her as her mother," the middle-aged woman said as she sobbed.

"Will Official Liu treat your daughter badly?" Yun Jiuge asked again.

"Official Liu is not a local here. Eight years ago, he came here with his two newborn sons and settled down at Jiuxi Town. Shortly after that, he married the daughter of a small family that resided in that town. Soon after their wedding, that lady passed away. I heard that her corpse looked like she was mauled to death by a wild beast.