Zi Shang's Archenemy

Yun Jiuge handed an entry pass each to the Liu Sisters and Wanli Mingxuan, then they fed the big mouths on the blood wall together.

After the blood-red wall ate the passes, it violently shook, and a red passageway appeared on the wall.

Yun Jiuge and company entered one after another, and finally left the Labyrinth.

In the depths of the Labyrinth, an old lady who wore a grandmother's emerald Spirit Stone on her head, donned a magnificent cassock and walked with a Dragon Head Walking Stick was wandering around with a pretty, young girl.

The old lady's surname was Shi, and she was known as Mistress Shi in Zhong Province. She was an Early Golden Core Cultivator, and her granddaughter Yu Sha was already in Intermediate Foundation Establishment Cultivation.

"Grandma, we've been walking for so long but haven't been able to meet up with Uncle Meng. Could something have happened?" Yu Sha's delicate and beautiful face was full of worry.