The Evil Ways of Cute Little Baby (1)

"Senior Yun Jiu, rest assured that I'll take care of this matter." Little Fatty was exceptionally excited. He was going to make connections that would increase his network in future.

After Yun Jiuge parted with Little Fatty, she returned to the cave and began to prepare things which would entice Lang Ya.

Since Lang Ya was now at the Foundation Establishment Stage, the Yin Gathering and Meridian Protection Pill would be suitable for him to consume. She still had a lot of them on hand, so it would be good to take them with her as a gift.

"You're giving the Medicinal Pills to him in vain. I'm afraid he dare not accept them. You might as well sell him some good defensive magical tools cheaply. He can still use them when he goes to the Fiendish Corpse Secret Realm." Zi Shang had thought about this in more detail than Yun Jiuge.

If Elder Bai Gu really ordered Lang Ya to do something, it would be useless for Yun Jiuge to give anything.