Yu Sha Has Been Captured

"Don't worry about that. Go and make the necessary preparations now. I'll wait for you at the entrance to the palace later," Yun Jiuge instructed. It was easy for her to leave the palace since Yu Sha could be her stand-in.

"Right. I'll make the preparations right away," answered Leng Bai. He had a lot of faith in Yun Jiuge. He left right away to prepare for the trip.

After Leng Bai left, Yun Jiuge called Yu Sha over and told her, "I want you to dress up in my clothes and stay here for the night. I'll go out later to meet the Grand Preceptor with Leng Bai."

"Huh? Zi Shang gets to go on a date with you every single day, but all I get is to watch over this room all alone! That's so mean of you!" complained Yu Sha. She was extremely upset. She risked her life to follow the goddess to this Secret Realm, but she was just treated as a tool the entire time. She had not been able to spend some alone time with the goddess yet. How could she win her heart at this rate?