Fiendish Demon Fetus (1)

"There's no problem with this door, is there?" asked Yun Jiuge as she took a closer look. Although she did not find anything unusual on the door, the carving of the child on it made her feel deeply uncomfortable.

"There's no problem. Just open it," Zi Shang said and reached his hand out. His light purple glowing palm slowly pushed the huge stone door open.

A strange smell with a fishy twang wafted out, resembling very much like a labor ward.

Yun Jiuge sealed her nose and walked in. The scene inside made her feel extremely repulsed.

She saw hundreds of crystal coffins placed in there, each with a white-skinned woman laid inside, fully naked.

Their bellies protruded sharply. Red colored tubes were extended from their belly buttons, interweaving as they extended upward.

At the top of the room was a huge blood red cocoon, glowing with a scarlet luminosity. The figure of a baby curling up inside could be faintly seen.