She Is the Sect Leader’s Candidate

"Greetings, Sect Leader," Mo Hua and the other people shouted in unison.

"Hmm," the Sect Leader responded with a grunt. His face was still shrouded in a hazy black fog. His appearance could not be seen.

Elder Mo Hua was the first person to speak. "Sect Leader, Yun Jiu discovered a Secret Realm but concealed it without reporting. She is full of nonsense. We cannot condone her behavior, lest the other disciples will follow suit with such behavior. She must be punished," he said.

"That's right. The Secret Realm is of great importance and relates to the future development of our sect. Yun Jiu should be subjected to the Soul Searching Technique," Elder Bai Gu added.

"I second it," said Xie Ying, raising his hand with a grin.

"I second it too," Elder You Ming said while nodding solemnly.