The Secret Of The Ziyun Sect

"If that's not what you mean, then what exactly do you mean? Let me tell you something — I've a method to call out the soul of Nangong Yue, but revealing it depends on how sincere you are," Yun Jiuge said, throwing out another bait.

"Really?" Baili Moyun asked. He was pleasantly surprised but then felt that something was not right. He said, "Then why don't you tell this to A'li? Aunt Yue is from the Ziyun Sect, and if you want to get something in return, you should go find him!"

"If I did you this service, and you returned the favor in turn to the Nangong family, wouldn't it be a win-win situation? It just depends how willing you are!" Yun Jiuge transmitted to him. Her head started to hurt. Baili Moyun was so thickheaded, it was annoying!

Baili Moyun didn't say anything. Although he wasn't a very meticulous person, he took the time to consider this, as a true disciple of the Sect should have.