Ye Yu Is Cursed (1)

The pretty young girl stared at Zi Shang's Demonic Eye with narrowed eyes and involuntarily answered, "My name is Wu Ya, the youngest daughter of the Five Poison Sect's Religious Leader. My elder sister instructed me to lead people here to observe any movements of the Five Poison Sect."

"Who's your elder sister? Where did you get this Yin Corpse?" Zi Shang asked.

"My elder sister is Wu Lan. This Yin Corpse belongs to Brother Ye Yu. He is currently seriously injured and under a seal. Before he was sealed, he handed this Yin Corpse to my elder sister for use," Wu Ya said.

Ye Yu was injured?

Yun Jiuge was alarmed and could not help interjecting to ask, "What kind of injury is Ye Yu suffering from? Is it serious?"

"He's been struck with a curse. Half of his body has turned into a stone statue, and it can only be alleviated with a seal," Wu Ya continued.