The Frightening Chaotic Secret Realm

"The Divine Temple has vanished!" Yun Jiuge told Ye Yu.

"The Divine Temple? You mean this is the Divine Temple?" Ye Yu was even more surprised after hearing her words. How did the Eldest Miss manage to defeat the cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage without his knowledge?

Everything felt so crazy to him at the moment.

"Let's save Jun Yichen and Luo Tian first!" Yun Jiuge was not in the mood to explain things to Ye Yu.

"Oh! Okay!" Ye Yu replied before he called Ye Yunzhi over to him. The pair was just about to enter the rubble when Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong flew towards Yun Jiuge and dropped their respective masters before her.

"Eldest Miss! What are you doing here?" Luo Tian was astonished to see Yun Jiuge before him.

"What on earth happened? Why am I in the Core Formation stage?" Jun Yichen was even more surprised than Luo Tian.