The Mystery Behind Premature Deaths of the Young

A'ze soon brought in a tall and thin middle-aged human-bird hybrid with gray wings.

The human-bird hybrid, named A'hui, was very skinny, with protruding cheekbones and a long scar across the right half of his face. He looked very fierce.

"A'hui pays respects to Elder Bai," A'hui said. He seemed to be very respectful of Elder Bai.

"Miss Yun, this is A'shui's father. You can ask him anything you want!" Elder Bai said.

"Where's A'shui's mother?" asked Yun Jiuge, realizing that she had not seen a female eagle after being in Eagle Cliff for so long. Could it be possible that the female was eaten after she gave birth to a child?

"She died because of a difficult birth," said A'hui. Although his voice sounded cold, there was a flash of pain in his eyes. She could tell that he still had feelings for his wife.