Zi Shang’s City (1)

"Lady Yun, I know you're a good person. But our clan really can't afford to take on any more risks right now." Elder Rabbit might have softened his attitude towards Yun Jiuge a little, but he still did not accept the bowl of meat porridge from her.

"I'm not asking you to take on more risks. The truth is, I have plans to build a city, and there'll be large amounts of food in there to help the human-beast hybrids live through the winter. From what I've heard earlier, it seems that your clan is very good at farming. Thus, I hope you can return to that city with me. You will also be reunited with your clan members there once I save them," Yun Jiuge said.

Yun Jiuge sounded very sincere, but the Elder Rabbit still remained hesitant to take her up on her offer.