The Leopard Clan’s Secret

"He keeps the human-beast hybrids in cages behind the door and sucks their blood regularly every day," said Xiao Hua who could not help shaking as he remembered the scene.

"You two are able to change your bodies too. So why doesn't Qiu Sen suck your blood?" Yun Jiuge was mystified. These two human-beast hybrids in front of her eyes were absolutely of a high caliber.

"How do you know we're able to change our bodies?"

"You're mistaken. We're unable to."

Xiao Hua and Da'er spoke in unison.

"You don't have to lie to me. I can see the golden light on your bodies with my own eyes," said Yun Jiuge. Then she pointed to Xiao Hua's chest and Da'er's ears as she said, "Your golden light is here."

The faces of Xiao Hua and Da'er suddenly tensed. In the next moment, they abruptly launched an attack on Yun Jiuge.