Crazy A'ze's Golden Light

When A'ze was very young, his parents passed away, leaving him and his three-year-old brother to rely one another.

Although the clan would distribute food to them regularly, it was simply not enough for the brothers to fill their stomachs.

One day, when his brother was hungry, A'ze secretly snuck away from Eagle Cliff with him to pick fruits. Unexpectedly, they entered the territory of the Gale Wolf Rabbit.

The Gale Wolf Rabbit was a mutant that looked like a rabbit but was more fierce and cruel than a wolf.

The Gale Wolf Rabbit tore apart A'ze's younger brother and ate him up.

"At that time, A'ze was only ten years old. When he saw his brother killed by the Gale Wolf Rabbit, he suddenly went crazy. Not only did he kill the Gale Wolf Rabbit, he also wounded the clan members who went to find them. Later, the old Clan Leader had to personally go over to bring him back," Elder Bai said, still slightly afraid when mentioning this past event.