The Boastful Human-fox Hybrid

"After so long, what you're really saying is that your human-fox hybrid clan is good at creating illusions," Yun Jiuge said. Seeing that A'sang still wanted to explain further, she reached out to stop him and said, "Actually, I also have a need for this ability. You don't necessarily have to form the medical treatment team. Tell me, how many Golden Light awakened human-beast hybrids do you have now?"

"I'm the only one at the moment," A'sang replied. His expression became slightly nervous.

During his time in Yun City, he had heard that the legendary Miss Yun had the ability to awaken the Golden Light of an entire tribe.

If this was arranged in order of when a clan entered the city, there would be several tribes in front of their human-fox hybrid clan.

Seeing that war was coming, he was afraid that the clan could not wait till then, so he came to promote himself.

"Show me your ability," Yun Jiuge said casually.