Steeped in Mystery

"The scent is quite faint, but I'm very certain they left in that direction," said A'te as he raised his head and looked towards the west.

"I want you to lead the way. A'ze and A'fei, follow behind him." Yun Jiuge and Zi Shang sat on A'ze's body, and the two black eagles trailed behind A'te closely.

A'te darted towards the west on all fours, and he would occasionally stop in his tracks to sniff the air before continuing his run.

After running for close to an hour, A'te reached a vast Dead Tree Forest and circled around the outer area of the forest once. Thereafter, he backtracked his way to a stream that they had passed by earlier. Once there, he raised his head and yelled at Yun Jiuge and the rest, "The human-leopard hybrid clan disappeared here."

"Here?" Yun Jiuge looked down at the dried upstream, but she did not notice anything out of the ordinary due to how far away she was.