A Siege by Puppets

"I don't need your allegiance. I just need you to answer my questions truthfully." Yun Jiuge cut Eyeball short and asked, "When was the order to attack the Yun City issued?"

"Earlier today. I suspect that Nangong Yue has planted a spy in the Yun City. I mean, she issued the order to attack the city right after you left!" Eyeball spoke with a serious look on its face, "Master, I'm really good at finding out who are the spies amongst you. You can definitely leave that to me."

"Firstly, there are no spies in the Yun City. Secondly, I'm not your master. Little Grass is." Yun Jiuge passed Eyeball back to Little Grass.

"Don't leave me with him!" Eyeball screamed hysterically.

Little Grass giggled and began rolling and pinching Eyeball with its chubby claws. It was having a lot of fun with its toy.

"Try screaming even louder than you are now. That would definitely please Little Grass," Yun Jiuge warned Eyeball kindly.