I’ll Give You The Celestial Palace

In the centermost part of the vast borderless Demon Forest lay the Blooming Soul Sea, which belonged to Blooming Flowering Tree's private territory.

This place was fully planted with tall Mamba Trees abloom with all kinds of red colored Spirit Flowers at the moment. Even butterflies were draped in red muslin as they shuttled through the thicket filled with wine. The atmosphere of celebration suffused everywhere.

A grotto deep in the depths of the Blooming Soul Sea was Blooming Flowering Tree's cave dwelling. Numerous Energy Barriers were set up inside and out to prevent guests from straying by mistake.

Yun Jiuge was dressed in a gorgeous red robe with a phoenix and its spread-out wings on it. She was lying on her stomach next to the Spiritual Pool inside the cave dwelling, talking to Zi Shang.

"Do you think people are going to be fooled?" Yun Jiuge stirred the Spiritual Water toward Zi Shang's eggshell.