Little Dragon Meets With Danger

Yun Jiuge shook the Wind Chime Flower inside the cave dwelling. A jingling sound rang out.

In a short while, Blooming Flowering Tree came back, intoxicated with a strong smell of wine all over his body. It appeared that he had drunk a lot at the banquet.

"What's the matter? Huh, Zi Shang, why did you get out of the shell early?" Blooming Flowering Tree's drunken gaze fell upon Zi Shang, and he immediately sobered up.

"Someone broke into the Energy Barrier and attacked me." Zi Shang put his claws on the edge of the pool. He wore a very disgruntled look on his face.

"Who was it? How did I not detect it at all?" Blooming Flowering Tree was taken aback. Although he had been drinking earlier, he did not let his guard down. Yet he did not even notice at all.