Demonic Blood Flower

"Where did you meet this little black horn?" Yun Jiuge attempted to sort the matter out.

"In my dream!" Little Dragon blinked his eyes and answered innocently.

"How did he get into your dream?" Yun Jiuge frowned. She knew that some powerful presences could break into other people's Cognitive Dreamland.

But the Golden Dragon Hall had been set up with numerous calm, meditative and exorcism spell formations. Aside from her, who else could have easily entered her son's Cognitive Dreamland?

"I don't know. Anyway, I always bump into him in my dream. In the beginning, we were always fighting. But later, we became good friends. He was the one who beat those two bad guys," Little Dragon said with a pleased expression, showing how proud he was of his friend's awesomeness.

Yun Jiuge immediately realized that the dark Energy Barrier had been produced by her son's friend, the little black horn.