Striking A Deal With Osamu

"Your parents are too crazy." Yun Jiuge originally wondered which insane demonic clan wanted to seize the Source Power of Canglan Continent to rule the world. Little did she expect the truth to be otherwise.

"My King Father and Queen Mother were worried about me, so they'd try all ways and means to find a cure." After being cursed at the age of 12, Osamu was sealed in an ice coffin by his father and mother for 3,000 years.

His father and mother went everywhere to seize power to help him resist the corrosion of the curse but were unable to withstand for long. He could die if they did not find another way.

"It looks like you're very strong." She did not know Osamu's strength. But she greatly admired that he could face the problem of life and death in such a calm manner at a young age.

"Of course," said Osamu, who exhibited strong self-confidence.